🛤 Building Apps on IPFS Track

Welcome to the Building Apps on IPFS Track notes and overview!

From Developer Experience to User Experience, how do we build full apps on IPFS? What are the goals of IPFS beyond infrastructure?

  • Date: Jul 13
  • Times: 09:00 - 16:30
  • Track Chair(s): @bmann


9:00 Track Intro with @bmann

Can we make IPFS the protocol a default deployment target like Vercel or Netlify? What does apps on IPFS even mean? Does data portability itself on IPFS something that can be added to any apps? Open discussion, bring your thoughts!

Register interest in this track by attending this event. You can click through to each session and sign up for each session.

Sessions will typically be focused on Q&A and discussion, even if we start with a single presenter showcasing background and overview. The goal is to discover areas of shared interest, shared pains, and a general focus on interop and growing the ability for more apps to be built on IPFS.

9:30 - 12:00 Identity, Capabalities, & Private Data

Brief overview presentations by 3 teams:

@expede - Fission Webnative SDK: DIDs, UCANs & WNFS

@ianopolous Peergos architecture

@smrz2001 Ceramic, CACAO, DID Session Keys.

3 short 15min overviews followed by 45min of discussion on working together, interop, pains, opportunities for improvement across libraries, protocols, and adoption.

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break

13:00 Subconscious & Noosphere: WWW over IPFS


14:00 IPFS Desktop Review

@SgtPooki walked through IPFS Desktop and gathered feedback and discussion

14:15 Application space in IPFS


This talk will explore tensions in the design of IPLD, multicodecs, and UnixFS, and an opportunity to open up a new class of application development on IPFS by re-orienting toward arbitrary metadata & a WASM runtime

15:00 Compute + IPFS

@evgenyponomarev, @aronchick

The Compute Over Data Working Group is just getting started. We’ll have intros from WG members on their compute solutions and how they intersect with IPFS, and how they see powering apps.

16:00 Wrap Up Session

Facilitator @boris

Come together and review all issues and points of discussion harvested during the day. Assign follow ups, working group creation, and other connections as needed (aim for 30min)


Minor nit. There’s no capital G in Peergos.

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Are we going to get links to the slides?

Yes! We’ll update this page with links to videos and slides as we get them!

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Here are the Peergos slides (A PDF viewer is another app on Peergos :wink: )


Would love to see a recording of the “Application Space in IPFS” talk!

Yep. We’ll be getting the bulk of videos up for all of these soon.