How does Resolution and Routing work with IPFS?

From @jbenet on Mon Nov 02 2015 05:12:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)

I recently wrote out a full description of content resolution and routing. here it is.

This assumes knowledge at the level of this talk:

How Routing and Resolution works in IPFS

The abstract is this:

  • We have a “content routing” system, which allows us to store signed records in the network at a given hash address.
  • Records can be (a) mutable pointers (names) or (b) provider locations (like glue, used to retrieve merkledag objects)
  • Nodes “make available” records for the content they’re willing to serve, and the names they control (hold the private key).
  • “make available” depends on the routing system of choice. one example is a global DHT (like MainlineDHT, which has 30+ Million nodes). Others include DNS, pub/sub groups (overlay multicast), OpenFlow content routing, and more.
  • The choice of “routing system” has implications regarding (a) where the records are stored, (b) how they’re retrieved, and © how fast they propagate. These are tradeoffs that need to be upgradeable over time, and which users must be able to choose for themselves.
  • But Routing is cleanly a layer below the content + record description, so that these can be layered over a variety of usecase-dependent routing systems. (hence thin waist again).

In short, today we use a global DHT and DNS to resolve routing records. But this is well layered and users can choose among suitable protocols.

What Paths (URIs) Look Like

Paths (URIs) in IPFS look like unix paths beginning with “/ipfs/…” or “/ipns/…”. The canonical path is not a web-style scheme (“ipfs://”) because
then it would not be (a) composable, nor (b) mountable on unix filesystems, but if a scheme is required, users can use “ipfs:/ipfs/…” and “ipfs:/ipns/…”.

IPFS paths are either mutable or immutable. these links are resolvable through IPFS, and we can use an HTTP gateway we provide at to do it for us. So, these are only HTTP to our gateways so you can see them, but it’s IPFS doing the work underneath!

Immutable Paths (URIs) /ipfs/...

Mutable Paths (URIs) /ipns/...

  • /ipns/QmSyjxWfaAmnaK3yBVZWUsfcPV4AFXEfJURuqLvHMxj3Lk/foo/bar/baz.png (<-- this one may break as we’ll be making some changes to things)
    a key-addressed path (resolves to content-addressed). verified by signatures.

  • /ipns/
    a dns-addressed path (resolves to content-addressed) based on a dnslink DNS record.

     > dig TXT      1800    IN  TXT "dnslink=/ipfs/QmbGiL5Z9Be2vi1MMVEykzz73XB2nryU4T1wwLiS16GNAr"

    verified by DNS (DNSSEC). typically, pointed to /ipns/<key>.
    It can also be accessed via
    (by adding an A record to any IPFS gateway, i.e. our public one. it would be HTTPS but not yet getting wildcard certs (ugh!) for examples.)

Ttry these links out! specially the pure HTTP one was really fun to get working. thats HTTP hosted.

How Path Resolution Works

For now, assume we have a way to do the following (explained further down, in the “Routing” part):

  • fetch content-addressed graph nodes by their hash (check hash matches).
  • fetch key-addressed pointers by their hash (check signature matches).

Resolving Immutable Paths (by walking the merkledag):

  1. start with the first path component, retrieve the object whose hash matches the component.
  2. for each remaining component C, look into the current node’s links, for a mapping from C to the next hash. (like filesystem directories with inodes).
  3. Terminate at the end of the path. If at any point no mapping exists, it is an invalid path and return an error.
  4. The entire chain is authenticated (by being content-addressed)

Resolving Mutable Key-based Paths (pointers in the name system, hence ipns):

  1. start with the first path component, which is the hash of a public key.
  2. lookup a pointer (in the routing system) which matches the hash. valid pointers MUST be signed by the private key corresponding to the public key.
  3. The pointer value is another path (mutable or immutable), resolve it to get a merkledag object.
  4. This is the root of the rest of the original path.

Resolving Mutable DNS-based Paths

  1. Lookup DNS TXT records at the given domain
  2. Select the first (ordered) which matches “dnslink=”. the value is another path (mutable or immutable). Resolve it to get a merkledag object.
  3. This is the root of the rest of the original path.

Content Routing and Records

The hardest part of making IPFS work is to find a way to distribute the content that is fast, scalable, secure, compatible with human policies, and which can be run entirely by simple IPFS nodes (i.e. no change to the internet at all, and no central points whatsoever). This is hard, but possible by cleanly layering.

One of the problems with plans to evolve the internet towards content routing ({NDN/CCN, XIA, etc}) is that they requires upgrading the internet itself, which is really hard to warrant without massive demand. Even with large demand, IPv6 has yet to be fully deployed :frowning: – which does not give me any hope of seeing NDN/CCN massively deployed in the core, without FIRST establishing the use of content-addressed networks. Meaning that end developers (web developers) must be able to use content-addressed networks to move lots of data (video, etc) extremely effectively well before substantial demand to improve the underlying network will materialize. So as we see it, by making IPFS usable to end developers we can create demand for these architectures as well.

Unlike many other p2p-based systems, our model requires that:

  • Content MUST be able to move as fast as the underlying network permits. This means that nodes in the same lan/datacenter should not route through the backbone (unless a human policy requires it).
  • Nodes MUST be able to ONLY store and download the content they explicitly choose to. (important even if encrypted, given illegal bits). This is in contrast to many other p2p systems.
  • Nodes MUST be able make choices regarding choice of transports + routing, to enact policies, and to make tradeoffs (say between privacy and performance).

This content model requires separating Content from Routing Records. The Content is just merkledag objects which represent users’ files and other datastructures. The Routing Records (also merkledag objects) are explicitly used for finding other nodes, and for finding content. These records are cryptographic artifacts with some room to play with, so a variety of cryptographic protocols can be deployed on top of this record system. We think of it as an improved DNS learning from all the uses of things like Git, BitTorrent, Bitcoin, and so on.

The Routing System interface is very simple – it’s a distributed key-value store with some requirements that the values conform to some validity rules. These can include cryptographic proofs. There is also a total ordering, so there is a “best record”, and optional freshness guarantees. This allows nodes storing records to discard invalid, old, or “less good” records.

type Routing interface {

    // Put allows a node to publish a record to a given key. 
    // These are validated before being stored anywhere.
    Put(Key, Record) (error)

    // Get allows a node to retrieve records for a given key. 
    // These are validated before returning to the caller.
    Get(Key) ([]Record, error)

Many things can support this key-value store interface, from a centralized database, to a totally distributed hash table. In reality, we can use well-known and established systems, such as DNS, global-scale DHTs, pub/sub (multicast) overlays, OpenFlow, and more. There is also the possibility of using completely oblivious RAM systems for routing, which would be a tremendous complement to tor/i2p and other privacy sensitive applications. Routing systems can also choose whether to be part of the global routing system (i.e. make record available over to all systems) or ONLY to a smaller subnet.

The flexibity here exists because ultimately, the use case will dictate important constraints on the conditions for routing. This is important for human routing policies, from performance to privacy constraints. There is no “one-size fits all” routing system yet. (Maybe {NDN/CCN, XIA, etc} could be it, but we cannot wait for them to be deployed before IPFS works).

The way we see it, we will have one global DHT, DNS, and many smaller special-purpose routing systems.

Today, IPFS uses a Kademlia-based DHT, which will soon turn into a Coral+S/Kademlia based DHT, and will continue to learn from DHT research. We will also have other routing systems deployed – including mDNS and pub/sub (multicast) – in 2016.

One interesting thing we’re building on this routing system (and ipfs as a whole) is a datastructure + tools + libs which allows application developers to use a web of trust like SPKI/SDSI, tied to whatever naming system they want (can be pure key chains, or bound to DNS, or bound to other things).

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