i have a +/-200GB of 150/200MB files, folder. i want to share and send out the ipfs/$hash to a rss.html file so there are distributed updates of the folder. my problem is how can i update the folder whit one file??
i now use (true ipfs/.go-ipfs:latest docker container) the command:hash=$(docker exec IPFS ipfs add --nocopy -rQ /data/site.none) i need the “nocopy” for the extra 200GB disk space… duplication i dont need…
i have all data on a usb3 zfs disk and want to share/pin the files on my own server. the point is 2 thursday in a week there is a new mp3 and i dont want to check all hashes on all files of the folder. what is what i am running now…
How to update one file and get the hash of the new folder??? am i missing somthing…
thanks for ipfs(Y)