Announcing IPFS Companion MV3 RC-Beta

:mega: Dogfooding Announcement: IPFS-Companion Manifest v3 Changes

I am excited to share a significant milestone – the completion of IPFS-Companion Manifest v3 changes! :tada: We have a beta that needs volunteers to dogfood this transition.

:clapper: Help Needed - How to Dogfood:

  1. If you’re already a Companion user, disable the IPFS-Companion instance in your browser as it can interfere with the beta version. Make sure you note down the custom settings (if any) in your setup.
  2. Download the beta version of IPFS-Companion v3.0.0.1114 for your Chromium- based browser (Chrome, Brave, Edge).
  3. While dogfooding, keep a keen eye out for any unexpected behavior, bugs, or performance issues.
  4. Swiftly report feedback by creating an issue here, so we can triage the issues promptly.
  5. There is an optional workflow-exercise available here. You can go through the steps there to simulate user behavior.

Why Dogfood Manifest v3?

Dogfooding, which means using our own product, is a powerful way to identify and address potential issues before releasing to our entire user base. We hope this can ensure a seamless transition for our beloved users.

Dogfooding Timeline:

The dogfooding phase will commence starting today, August 1, 2023 and last for approximately two weeks till August 14, 2023. We will then proceed with the official release after gathering and addressing any necessary feedback.

Our Paw-some Team!

We have an amazing team of enthusiastic and talented individuals here, and we know your dedication will play a vital role in making this dogfooding experience a success.

Woof Your Feedback!

Your feedback is truly invaluable to the success of this dogfooding exercise. Please share any observations, thoughts, or suggestions throughout the testing period. Your contributions will directly impact the final release of Manifest v3.

Let’s keep up the outstanding work and lead the way in delivering an exceptional experience for all our users!

Thank you for being part of this and an IPFS-Companion user. :dog2:

Best regards,

@whizzzkid (Nishant Arora)

Maintainer - IPFS-Companion

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