I am trying to build a simple private ipfs network. I have a local node deployed on my machine with docker, it has a swarm.key file and it launches in private mode correctly. I’ve removed all bootstrap connections and done the same thing for the other node, that’s currently hosted on a virtual machine, also with docker. All ports are open correctly, I’ve checked that already. I can netcat and ping from either side to the other.
The netcat to port 4001 ( the swarm port ) gives a weird output but it seems like it connects so I’m not sure if this is relevant:
But when trying to run ipfs swarm connect with the other node’s address from either side. I get the following error:
Error: connect failure: failed to dial: failed to dial : no good addresses
- [/ip4/addr/tcp/4001] gater disallows connection to peer
- [/ip4/addr/tcp/4001] gater disallows connection to peer
Some help would be much apreciated.