Enable Bitswap client-only

Hi everybody.

I’m trying to make my Kubo node use Bitswap client, only.
The reason is we moved our Bitswap server to a dedicated service, which just uses:

import "github.com/ipfs/boxo/bitswap/server"

s := server.New(ctx, network, bstore, opts)

My strategy so far consists of using a Fx plugin to inject the client as exchange.Interface:

import "github.com/ipfs/boxo/bitswap/client"

type onlineExchangeIn struct {

	Mctx   helpers.MetricsCtx         `optional:"true"`
	Host   host.Host                  `optional:"true"`
	Rt     irouting.ProvideManyRouter `optional:"true"`
	Bs     blockstore.GCBlockstore    `optional:"true"`

func (i *ExchangePlugin) Options(info core.FXNodeInfo) ([]fx.Option, error) {
   return append(info.FXOptions, fx.Decorate(func(lc fx.Lifecycle, in onlineExchangeIn, bs blockstore.Blockstore) exchange.Interface {
      // ...
      // return client.New(helpers.LifecycleCtx(in.Mctx, lc), bitswapNetwork, in.Bs, opts...)

The injection works but… when I try to fetch a CID (via api/v0/cat or get, for example) that’s not stored in the local blockstore, I always get a timeout.

It seems to hang up at: boxo/bitswap/client/internal/getter/getter.go at main · ipfs/boxo · GitHub