Error: Invalid version, must be a number equal to 1 or 0 (with js-ipfs@0.44.0)

js-ipfs version: 0.44.0


I’m trying to connect 2 browser js-ipfs peers via circuit-relay (a remote relay node). This was working with js-ipfs 0.40.0, but stopped working when I upgraded to 0.44.0.

How to reproduce

I have connected the 2 browser peers to a remote Relay via

The connection is successful. Now, I try to connect the 2 browser peers:

I tried doing



None of them worked. Both of the times I get the following error:

Uncaught (in promise) AggregateError: 
    Error: Invalid version, must be a number equal to 1 or 0
        at Function.validateCID

Somehow the CID version is not correct.

I’ll try to debug more. Any probable sources of this issue?

Could you try including the relay address in the p2p-circuit address?

See the circuit relay example for more on how it works.

Yeah, based on the time this is posted I see that not many people are interested in this, here ->> IPLD Explorer error: Invalid version, must be a number equal to 1 or 0 · Issue #1726 · ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-webui · GitHub