When i use ipfs-js implementation rendezvous server help me for find peers. I just add
in my swarm array and it worked great.
but if i add in swarm on GO implementation
$ ipfs swarm connect /dns4/ws-star.discovery.libp2p.io/tcp/443/wss/p2p-websocket-star
Error: failed to parse multiaddr "/dns4/ws-star.discovery.libp2p.io/tcp/443/wss/p2p-websocket-star": unknown protocol wss
what should I do?
December 26, 2019, 6:40pm
go ipfs doesn’t support WSS (websocket secure) only websocket
yes, i know, but what the correct address for this server?
I create personal renedevous server with addr - /dns4/wss.borg.systems/tcp/443/wss/p2p-websocket-star/
and try to connect like that - /dns4/wss.borg.systems/tcp/80/ws/
with error - Error: found no ipfs peers at /dns4/wss.borg.systems/tcp/80/ws
try to connect like that - /dns4/wss.borg.systems/tcp/80/ws/p2p-websocket-star
with error - Error: failed to parse multiaddr “/dns4/wss.borg.systems/tcp/80/ws/p2p-websocket-star”: unknown protocol p2p-websocket-star
so. I do not know how to use it.
May be have another solution for fast search peers for each file?
December 31, 2019, 9:58am
If I understand your question, you need to add a valid IPFS address that is reachable by your client (like the ones listed in: ipfs id)
On a side note, I created a zeroconf app that advertises and finds local IPFS peers and automatically adds them.
December 31, 2019, 10:25am
Hmm, guess I did not understand. If you run: ipfs id on that node, what does it show?
no, in local network all work by default on ipfs.
I have
node A1, A2, A3, A…, this is nodes of my friends from thailand
node B1,B2,B3 this is nodes of my teams in Russia.
And now if node A1 add new file and send head CID of file to node B1 , then node b1 very slow search node A1. This is big problem.
Before i use js-ipfs implementation and rendevous server resolve this problem. But i need go-ipfs implementation right now
"ID": "QmUaJgFE81j8wyzvWQPnPB3z8k4qpN4WibwUWEX66iNk8P",
"PublicKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDCMRjpp9OvbJ2VbnHXVQgfYrv7x/hxSae9AmpW2nCY5/gzvK1jfyNshIqhP/NE0bdnskDaLouXeDiWvC044St6F+0489QI3z6RCXEY/LfSUbcIP254XW7N6DiXxyY989XLD2/jYY/sFkKbIOw0VQd8aJXnfb03oNVOxl5qfRhftwxrmRxy1IaWgPsJ0hTZlR2Wv+iQSKG9zXf6kDxeBOXbStARdmseHiUQoj+IIB/v6G8iOo7XPQF+yne0DAtZDZdl/OUstQMFDuy9CnOQ5loAp8POiSMuEkNO9C3ggjtuCBO4LKISCfpUlgG12S64xW8x+NKx4mDC5JLd6JUsuUGdAgMBAAE=",
"Addresses": [
"AgentVersion": "go-ipfs/0.4.22/4e981576b-dirty",
"ProtocolVersion": "ipfs/0.1.0"