I want to manually add Entries to my nodes wanlist

hello im new to ipfs and golang but for my bachelors thesis im trying to see if its possible to make a DDoS like attack to the network by making my nodes wantlist full with random CIDs that mostlikely dont exist in the network(cause they are made from random data)and asking my peers for those CIDs(helpfull if answered:Do my peers keep my wants in their wantlist in order to help me find the CID? cause).So i have writen this code that makes a new Wantlist with all the random CIDs and im trying to append it to my nodes Watlist but i cant find where my nodes wantlist is stored in order to append it .
the code:

var toPut []string

Mywantlist := wantlist.New()

//file with random generated CIDs
file, err := os.Open("C:/Users/dod/Desktop/outputrandom.txt")
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()

// Read the file line by line
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
	// Append each line to the array
	toPut = append(toPut, scanner.Text())

// Check for errors during scanning
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {

// create a cid.Cid object for the content identifier you want to add
for i := 0; i < len(toPut); i++ {
	contentID, err := cid.Decode(toPut[i])
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Content ID not right format")
	success := Mywantlist.Add(contentID, 1, pb.Message_Wantlist_Block)
	if success {
		fmt.Println("Content ID added successfully")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Content ID was not added")


any help would be really appreciated :smile: