IPFS is now on Bluesky! | IPFS Blog & News

We’re excited to share that IPFS now has an official presence on Bluesky (opens new window), a new decentralized social network that recently spun out of Twitter. Powered by the in-development AT Protocol (opens new window), Bluesky aims to be a Twitter-like social media client that provides the benefits of interoperation, account portability, and algorithmic choice.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.ipfs.tech/2023-ipfs-on-bluesky/

If you need an invite code, reply to this comment.

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I would like an invite, if you don’t mind.

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Done! Check your DMs!

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yes please :slight_smile:
Thank you.

Codes in your DMs, welcome to blue skies!

I’ll give it a try too :slight_smile:

Hi @boris I would like an invite code please

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I need an invitation code

Sounds great sign me up! Will need invite code please, @boris Let’s check it out, see you all there! Thanks!

Hello, I need an invite too!

I would like an invite,Thank you.

Could I have an invite please? Thanks a ton! I’m currently building an app that uses the IPFS protocol.

Could I have a bluesky invite please? Thanks!

Could i please get an invite code, @boris ? Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello,I would like an invite,Thanks

Are any invite codes still available?

I have limited codes and will prioritize people who have been long time forum members and active IPFS builders.

So if you just signed up in order to get a code, you’re out of luck.

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Please i’m would like invitation

Please, I am curious to investigate this.