Hi guys, i would like to create a docker-compose.yml to deploy a configured ipfs private network, but i have a problem this. My ipfs nodes cannot conect to other ipfs nodes.
My docker-compose file is in my github:
What i can do?
Inside any ipfs container, i can ping to other containers using docker dns (ipfs, ipfs1)
Inside any ipfs container, i can use in in ipfs1 container, wget to ipfs0:8080/ipfs/[SomeFileUploadedInIPFS0] to access and download any file in ipfs0 node
What i cant do?
Use ipfs get/cat [SomeFileUploadedInOtherIpfsNode]
In my script, i remove all default bootstrap nodes, i added my own bootstraps nodes:
But still cannot connect to the network
Using the WEB UI, i cant still connect to the other nodes (Could not connect to the provided peer.)
I successfully setup an ipfs private network using the swarm.key and the env LIBP2P_FORCE_PNET to 1
All nodes run correctly.
IPFS version:
ipfs0 | Initializing daemon…
ipfs0 | go-ipfs version: 0.4.22-
ipfs0 | Repo version: 7
ipfs0 | System version: amd64/linux
ipfs0 | Golang version: go1.12.7