Hey, so I’m trying to get the pubsub feature for my IPFS node in js-ipfs and this is what I’ve written so far:
const IPFS = require("ipfs");
const Libp2p = require("libp2p");
const TCP = require("libp2p-tcp");
const MulticastDNS = require("libp2p-mdns");
const Bootstrap = require("libp2p-bootstrap");
const KadDHT = require("libp2p-kad-dht");
const MPLEX = require("libp2p-mplex");
const { NOISE } = require("libp2p-noise");
const libp2pBundle = (opts) => {
const peerId = opts.peerId;
const bootstrapList = opts.config.Bootstrap;
return new Libp2p({
addresses: {
listen: ["/ip4/"],
modules: {
transport: [TCP],
streamMuxer: [MPLEX],
connEncryption: [NOISE],
peerDiscovery: [MulticastDNS, Bootstrap],
dht: KadDHT,
config: {
peerDiscovery: {
bootstrap: {
interval: 30e3,
enabled: true,
list: bootstrapList,
pubsub: {
enabled: true,
(async () => {
console.log("Hello World");
const ipfs = await IPFS.create({
repo: String(Math.random() + Date.now()),
libp2p: libp2pBundle,
const peers = await ipfs.swarm.peers();
`The node now has ${
} peers. and your peerId: ${await ipfs.id()}`
So I used Parcel to bundle everything and i seem to be getting an error saying that net.createServer is not a function. Would really appreciate it if someone could help me out here. Thanks!