Panic: key/export: command not found

I am getting this error when trying to use the key export command programatically in Go. I was looking through similar calls using the go-ipfs-api/key.go shell package. And it seems that command is not implemented? What is the current discussion around that or is it already implemented? This is how I’m calling the function to get the error:

// Go v1.14, go-ipfs v0.11.0, Win10 WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04
key, err := sh.KeyGen(context.Background(), KeyName) //generate temp key to local node
if err != nil {

rb := sh.Request("key/export", KeyName)       //export temp key to ds
err = rb.Exec(context.Background(), err)
if err != nil {
	return err

For anyone else wondering… I was able to get a hacky solution, in the truest sense of the word.

func exportKey(keyName string) error {
	args := []string{"key", "export", keyName}
	cmd := exec.Command("ipfs", args...)
	stdout, err := cmd.Output()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

The function does not need to return anything, but I put a print statement at the end incase of errors. This function is able to take a key name (the name of a key from local node) and export it to a file in current dir.

Any corrections or other work around solution would be greatly appreciated!