Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get an arbitrary IPNS address that is highly readable to avoid phishing?
I don’t care if it’s paid for.
and highly readable
are contradicting.
You’re looking for IPNS via DNS with a little help of DNSLink.
There is no contradiction. If a user can specify any address, it can be made human readable. A hash value is not readable.
DNS can be censored. It is not a truly web3-like protocol and is not much different than http.
Well, do tell how you envision that to be possible.
Anything that is with human readable names is subject to be attacked by either bots or people registering names en mass (or both). So take that into account
It would be the same as DNS. If you pay for it, you don’t have to worry much about bots.
It would also be a source of income for the ipfs community.
So you don’t want to use DNS but you do want to use DNS…
You want IPFS to host a new “DNS-like” system… I’d rethink that. Or at least give much more information then the very sparse info you give now. Hey, you might have a great idea! Nice, do tell! But just throwing out a one-liner and assuming us to “interpret it from there” is not gonna help and will get this topic nowhere.
This could be interesting: https://ipcm.dev/
That is cool!
I made something like that too a couple years ago ^_^.
I took a similar-like approach. My approach was to store the ABI and the chains it was on on IPFS thus i effectively has multi-chain support. It comes with the downside of having to query the value from chains where it was deployed to figure out the most recent value. My reason was gas prices. They were crazy high back then and L2s were just getting out of beta.
Fun little projects to make IPNS replacements