RAM utiilization increasing over time on IPFS node that has lot of pins (in millions)

We have an IPFS node (running on docker) which has json objects(as files) pinned along with DAG blocks that form a long DAG chain. Number of json files pinned would be approx 750 for 2 minutes. Similarly the number of DAG blocks that get created also are ~750 for every 2 minutes. Right now this node has about 4 million pins.

We are noticing a constant RAM utilization increase over days of running and eventually ipfs ends up completely utilizing entire RAM and gets OOM killed and there is no recovery from there. Even if we restart the container, it soon takes up entire RAM.
Attached screenshot shows RAM utilization increase over past week.

Need help in figuring out as to what could be causing slow increase in RAM utilization and what can be done to reduce it.
How does go-ips determine what needs to be kept in memory and flush out which data? Does it use some kind of LRU caching mechanism based on last-access for CID?
Does it depend on IPLD data-structures used in DAG blocks (as we have long DAG chains forming over time where new block has link to previous one along with a data snapshot CID)?

Note: On a different node which has also many million pins, have unpinned lot of data to see if this affects RAM utilization (which was close to 2.5GB) and noticed that there was no impact.

Follow recommendations for ipfs configuration here: Download and setup - Pinset orchestration for IPFS

Particularly enabling AcceleratedDHTClient. Are your pins all recursive? If you have a very long DAG, and each item in that chain is pinned recursively that’s probably not a good pattern. Particularly you may also want to change the Reprovider Strategy to “roots” (kubo/config.md at master · ipfs/kubo · GitHub).

Thanks @hector , will try these configurations and get back.

Each item is pinned recursively. But the files (i.e snapshots) don’t have any link with any other object and are added at root /ipfs only.

But the DAG’s are becoming very long and each block is pinned. We are thinking of having a pruning mechanism to prevent DAG’s from growing beyond 7 days. That should help with this RAM issue hopefully.

Just out of curiosity, what strategy does go-ipfs use to determine which items should be in memory and which items are only in disk? Does it have anything to do with pinned/unpinned content?

We disable auto-gc btw.

It’s not that things are in memory or disk. Are you using badger? Then badger might be the culprit. Otherwise perhaps your nodes cannot reprovide fast enough and goroutines are queuing up causing memory creep.

We are using the default data-store which is flatfs.

Ok, Is there anyway to determine that reproviding delay is causing this memory creep?
Also, i will try to play with the reprovider config to see if something helps.

You can dump the heap and use go tool pprof to generate an SVG of memory allocations. That usually displays some likely culprits (kubo/debug-guide.md at master · ipfs/kubo · GitHub).

In one of the nodes where memory used by IPFS process is ~4.1GB, i ran the heap-dump and took an SVG out of it.

Interesting thing i have noticed is when i open the heapDump in pprof and run top command it only shows 1.7GB of allocations (whereas ipfs process is using close to 4.1GB of RAM as per top).

Does it mean the rest of 2.3GB is just not released back to the OS and is not used by ipfs?

I am unable to upload the SVG here, uploading the top usages

(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 1.50GB, 87.73% of 1.71GB total
Dropped 482 nodes (cum <= 0.01GB)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 152
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
    0.99GB 57.66% 57.66%     0.99GB 57.66%  strings.(*Builder).grow
    0.36GB 21.02% 78.68%     0.36GB 21.02%  github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap.(*Bitswap).provideCollector

These 2 seem to be top usages.

I was going through the config mentioned here, there is a mention of setting sync flag to false in the flatfs config. I could not find any documentation wrt flag, could you brief me on how this would improve performance?

I forgot to mention that Go will grab memory from the OS and not return it back unless it is politely asked to. This leads to seeming that a lot of memory is used but it can actually be reclaimed anytime by the OS. A better number can be obtained from prometheus metrics exported by the daemon, those show the actual amount allocated.

Its in the datastores.md documentation file in Kubo repo. Sync=false will not commit to disk after every write. Much faster, more risk of losing data in case of sudden power off.

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Oh, then in that case we should not have reached OOM right.
We are running go-ipfs via docker and on an AWS instance. Could it be possible that this environment has caused it to reach OOM?

Also, is there any flag that can be enabled to force Go to release memory back to OS (based on unalloced memory)?

Understood. We may not go for it in single node, but for a cluster we can use this flag to speed up operations as there will be redundancy.


Depends what other things you are running

No, but it shouldn’t matter I think.

I missed your screenshot. Have you tried the optimized bitswap settings mentioned in Download and setup - Pinset orchestration for IPFS ? You need to tune them to the size of the machine, but maybe right now bitswap is bottlenecked and things queue up.

Do I read it correctly that you are complaining about 4 GB of RAM is too much for IPFS?

Buy 8 GB RAM Rpi for $40 and problem is solved.

Sorry for the delayed reply. Got busy with other things.
Looks like there is no need to change bitwap config in our machine as the bitswap metrics ipfs_bitswap_pending_tasks and ipfs_bitswap_pending_block_tasks always have been noticed as 0 whenever i randomly check them.

@hector Any other specific metrics i can look at to narrow down the probable root-cause?

One thing i notice though is the large number of go-routines and go-threads active most of the time
go_goroutines 8924
go_threads 165

I think I know what “bug” this is.
Basically your DHT is slow and you are queing new CIDs to advertise faster than they are advertised.

provideCollector holds queue the list of CID to advertise.
And cid.Prefix.Sum → strings.Grow is what allocates the CID you hold in memory when pinning stuff, and they are probably kept alive by provideCollector.


Thanks @Jorropo
Ok, is there anyway we can speed up DHT by tuning some params?
That should handle the constant memory creep. Of-course, it would add more CPU load if we enable AcceleratedDHT to provide faster.
Last time we have enabled AcceleratedDHT, it spiked CPU and memory usage and node could not keep up.
Will try to tune some of these again(as we have increased resource for the node) and see if it helps.

That’s normal. When using the accelerated dht, the node scans the network every hour, so the cpu load spikes for 5-10 mins, then returns to normal.

This is what that’s supposed to look like:

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Yeah, i can see similar spikes after enabling it. But since we have doubled the resources, the spikes are manageable.
But still i see RAM creep…wanted to wait for a week to see how it is going to be.
I took the heap-profile again but noticed that heap is only using 2.8GB, whereas the overall usage is close to 8GB and slowly increasing over days.

Could it be the stack using soo much due to large number of go-routines?
Or is it just golang not releasing memory back?

Here is a screenshot of the creep over 10 days. The highlighted time in the screenshot is when accelerateDHT was enabled.

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