I know that in 0.5 go-ipfs landed improved IPNS-over-pubsub but I am struggling to find information about its mechanism and guarantees. I found some bits in the experimental features docs but there is still a few questions unanswered.
I am mainly interested in what happens with records of offline nodes.
I know that for the old DHT method you have to republish the IPNS record once in a while, is it needed also for pubsub?
If a record is kept alive “in pubsub”, then it most probably can’t be retrieved using the DHT method right?
If republishing or something else is needed to keep record alive in network, can it be delegated to somebody else? Preferably without giving away the private key?
Sort of. IPNS over PubSub periodically rebroadcasts records as a backup in case any issues arise. Additionally, IPNS records in general must be republished once their “lifetime” has elapsed (i.e. every record has an expiration time in order to allow the publisher to guarantee some degree of freshness about the data, more info in the spec).
As described in that doc go-ipfs will publish to BOTH the DHT and PubSub. However, if for some reason you published IPNS record v7 over PubSub and v8 over the DHT go-ipfs will not find v8 for you since it won’t waste time doing a DHT query when the data is already available.
Yes, this is actually achievable now (as long as the record isn’t expired) for both PubSub and the DHT it’s just that the are unfortunately not yet APIs to make third party republishing of IPNS records easy.
This will actually work by default if you just keep a third party node online. However, if your third-party node restarts then it won’t keep rebroadcasting the record
You can manually publish the IPNS record to the channel with the correct name if you want (getting the pubsub topic name can be computed with the tool above or just following the spec)
As described in that doc go-ipfs will publish to BOTH the DHT and PubSub
I do see the published values on both on my machine, but, I’m having trouble finding my IPNS value on the DHT on other machines?
go-ipfs$ ipfs name resolve// resolves ok go-ipfs$ ipfs dht get /ipns/Qmhashhhh// shows value ok
BUT, when I go to a go-IPFS node on another machine, I cannot go-ipfs-another-machine$ ipfs name resolve// Error: routing: not found
Even though the 2 nodes are connected: go-ipfs-another-machine$ ipfs swarm connect /ip4/..../mutiladdr// connected ok
So I try to see the providers, but go-ipfs$ ipfs dht findprovs /ipns/Qmhashhhhh// Error: selected encoding not supported
So, my many questions are: Any ideas on how to troubleshoot why my published value isn’t showing elsewhere on the DHT?
What encoding is required for ipfs dht findprovs so I can see where my values are being replicated?
I presume I don’t have to manually ipfs dht provide, do I? If so 1) is there a way to automatically do this, and 2) is there any special encoding I need for the in ipfs dht provide <key> (I tried ipfs dht provide /ipns/QmHashhhh but encoding is not supported, is it b64 or b32)?
@DougAnderson444 Without a little more information I cannot tell you why ipfs name resolve /ipns/QmKeyHash isn’t resolving on the other machine. It also seems like this issue has very little to do with IPNS over PubSub and is likely a result of either networking/configuration issues (more likely) or other IPNS issues (also possible).
Below is some more information on IPNS over PubSub that should clarify a bit more how it interacts with the DHT and clear up some of your questions/issues. Lmk if you have any more questions/concerns.
DHT usage by IPNS
DHT FindProvs and IPNS over PubSub
TLDR: ipfs dht findprovs $ipnsDHTRendezvous, where ipnsDHTRendezvous is defined for a given base58 encoded multihash of an IPNS public key QmIPNSKey as multihash(sha256, ("floodsub:" + /record/base64url-unpadded("/ipns/base58Decode(QmIPNSKey)))). Note: that while ipfs dht findprovs internally uses multihashes it takes a CID. The go-libp2p-discovery code deals with this by creating a CIDv1 with a Raw multicodec.
Recall IPNS over PubSub is not enabled by default (as of go-ipfs v0.6.0) and requires --enable-namesys-pubsub.
ipfs dht findprovs finds Provider Records (i.e. the multiaddrs of peers who have advertised some interest in a particular key, in this case a multihash). This is used for find people who have IPFS content, as well for finding people who have expressed interest in an IPNS over PubSub topic.
The key used for IPNS over PubSub provider records is SHA256(“floodsub:” + IPNS-over-PubSub Topic Name). The IPNS over PubSub Topic Name is specified/defined, however the IPNS over PubSub DHT record isn’t yet in the spec.
I’ve added some tools for calculating some of these identifiers to https://github.com/aschmahmann/ipns-utils, and just (as of a few minutes ago) added a new function for calculating the DHT rendezvous record name.
DHT IPNS Records
IPNS records (i.e. the full record as defined in the IPNS spec and contains things like the path that it points to, e.g. /ipfs/QmMyData) are published to the DHT using the equivalent of ipfs dht put $key $value where the value is the IPNS record and the key is /ipns/BINARY_ID (defined above and in the spec).
I found it’s actually supported by the ipfs cmd.
ipfs dht get /ipns/QmWAu9aR9FjeeiWDoGnQMwgdJ9Cmsp485
EFkx3y9Wjcu6v > ipns_record
the output is protobuf marshelled IPNS record, share the file with other node and run
ipfs dht put /ipns/QmWAu9aR9FjeeiWDoGnQMwgdJ9Cmsp485
EFkx3y9Wjcu6v ./ipns_record
and it will broadcast the record to the DHT.
But it leads me to another question, if someone holds old record and keeps putting it to DHT would that prevent other node to get the new record? Assuming the old record has not expired.
I just tested, republishing a valid old record will revert ipns record, DHT can’t tell which one is newer, should ipfs include publish-time to the record and discard the old record if newer one is published?
I’m not sure exactly how you crafted and published your records but if you try and do an ipfs dht put with an old record your node won’t even publish it and you’ll get
ipfs dht put /ipns/YOUR_KEY ipns_record
Error: can't replace a newer value with an older value
Thanks @adin for the detail
I just tried again and i can reproduce it
node1 = 0.7.0-rc1
node2 = 0.6.0 without --enable-namesys-pubsub
node1 - ipfs name publish -t 24h --ttl 1h QmHashOld
node2 - ipfs dht get /ipns/QmIPNS > ipns_record
node1 made some new changes and ipfs name publish -t 24h --ttl 1h QmHashNew
node2 - ipfs dht put /ipns/QmIPNS ./ipns_record //i don’t see any error here.
- ipfs name resolve -n QmIPNS //returns QmHashOld
even i restart node2 it still resolve to QmHashOld
I do see the “can’t replace a newer value with an older value” error if i republish the old record on the original node, but seems the validation doesn’t work from a different node.
@rick-li I assume you mean QmHashNew instead of QmHashOld here, right?
So the behavior you’re experiencing is actually the result of a weird interaction and the fact that publishing IPNS records from more than one node is unsupported behavior and so occasionally runs into weird corner cases.
As described in the issue below essentially what’s happening is that you’re not searching the network. If you spin up a new node node3 and have it do ipfs name resolve QmIPNS you should get the latest record. Thanks for prompting me to dig into it
Since i manually put the ipns record to local DHT, now it just returns the old record immediately without querying new record from the remote network anymore, i understand this is being investigated but is there a way to clean up the local DHT record?