Why is my data persistent?

I uploaded a unique .txt via the IPFS UI after that I removed it and stopped my ipfs daemon (after 5 seconds) but now it’s still online since a week. Do you know why? Where is the data stored? I thought the data is only shared across active peers? Thanks!


References: Replication on IPFS -- Or, the Backing-Up Content Model · Issue #47 · ipfs-inactive/faq · GitHub

IPFS has as a design requirement that nodes be able to only store and/or distribute content they explicitly want to store and/or distribute. This means that computers that run IPFS nodes do not have to host “other people’s stuff”, which is a very important thing when you consider that lots of content in the internet is – in some for or other – illegal under certain jurisdictions.

The gateway behind ipfs.io is an IPFS node that can cache the content requested through it. So in this case it’s likely the ipfs.io gateway node that’s caching it.

I can’t currently find any peers hosting that hash and it’s not resolving for me, so maybe it’s been garbage collected from the network by now.

Thanks for the quick reply. I also can’t see the file anymore. This is strange. I could reach the file for more than 2 days. For clarifcation: I don’t uploaded the file on ipfs.io

  • Why is my file cached by the IPFS node even when I don’t have active peers?
  • Is the IPFS node interested in any content?

My understanding is that the IPFS node is only responsible to connect the peers. Thanks.

After adding the file to IPFS, did you ever request the file through ipfs.io/ipfs/…?

How are you attempting to access the file now?

Each IPFS node has a cache for content that has been accessed by it.

Not on it’s own – at least not with how things currently work. IPFS nodes will only download content that you specifically request them to download.

Connecting to peers is not the only purpose of an IPFS node. It also has mechanisms for locally caching and reproviding content that it requests from the network; this is probably one of it’s core functions by default.

After adding the file to IPFS, did you ever request the file through ipfs.io/ipfs/…?

Yes, I did.

How are you attempting to access the file now?

Not at all, it was just an experiment.

Connecting to peers is not the only purpose of an IPFS node. It also has mechanisms for locally caching and reproviding content that it requests from the network; this is probably one of it’s core functions by default.

What’re the limitation of the cache (size, connections) ? Is this funtionality a privileg?

I think I misunderstood it.

IPFS.io and my local node are equal in the network.
IPFS.io has interested in my resource cause the request through the link

due to that it will cache my file for a short period to serve other peers. Correct?

Exactly :slight_smile:

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