Api namespace not found

I am trying to install from source the kubo ipfs. everything seems great except the api. I can connect to the repo, i can access the gateway as there are ahndlers you can set for the gate way. i can even access the webui but of course it fails to connect to the api. I can publish a file and get a file. The node indicates it is online and i have tried everything I can to get the api name space and api to run or respond. would be real nice if there was a ApiOption that can just be set so this is guaranteed to work and you have control over it.
as the Gateway and webui work great if I had control/access to the api I image it would be working too.

opts := []corehttp.ServeOption{
	corehttp.WebUIOption,        // Enable the Web UI
	corehttp.GatewayOption("/"), // Enable the Gateway

go func() {
// Start API server
apiHandler, err := corehttp.MakeHandler(node, ln, opts…)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf(“Failed to create API handler: %v”, err)
/* apiHandler, err := corehttp.MakeHandler(node, nil, corehttp.RoutingOption())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf(“Failed to create API handler: %v”, err)
} */

	// Create a new ServeMux (router)
	http.Handle("/api/v0", apiHandler)
	//http.Handle("/webui", apiHandler)

	fmt.Printf("Starting API server on %s\n", apiAddr)
	if err := http.Serve(ln, apiHandler); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
		log.Fatalf("API server failed: %v", err)

this is what I have currently.
some of my debug info I have print out is
Node is online
Starting Gateway server on :8080
Starting API server on :5001
I can store a file get a cid and the get the file back using the cid and gateway.
I have everything open and allowed for CORS from any origin * one set of headers for the gateway and another set for the api sections of the config file.
I have set logging ot debug level and see no errors, info, or warnings regarding the api just nothing. When i do a curl or browser to the I just get namespace not found and no log entries are generated.

	// Open the repository
	repo, err := fsrepo.Open(repoPath)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to open IPFS repo: %v", err)

	// Create a new IPFS node
	node, err = core.NewNode(context.Background(), &core.BuildCfg{
		Repo:   repo,
		Online: true,
		Host:   libp2p.DefaultHostOption,
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create IPFS node: %v", err)
	node.Repo.SetConfigKey("Daemon", true)
	cg, _ := node.Repo.Config()
	fmt.Printf("Repo Config %v \n", cg)
	// Create a CoreAPI instance
	// Enable verbose logging
	log2.SetLogLevel("coreapi", "DEBUG")
	log2.SetLogLevel("core", "DEBUG")
	log2.SetLogLevel("http", "DEBUG")

	api, err := coreapi.NewCoreAPI(node)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create CoreAPI instance: %v", err)
	Boot() //connect to bootstrap nodes

Any ideas as to why the api and only the api is failing to start or work would greatly be appreciated,```