Can users POST things to the Permanent Web?

From @Mithgol on Thu Nov 12 2015 10:29:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)

— How do I host static content?

— Publish it to IPFS using ipfs add.

— How do I host non-static content that changes over time?

— Use ipfs name to assign the same name to different versions of the content.

— How do I host an interactive content that receives input from users? A forum or an imageboard where users are able to POST forms containing comments?

— …

Copied from original issue: can users POST things to the Permanent Web? · Issue #73 · ipfs-inactive/faq · GitHub

From @chen-chan on Sun Nov 22 2015 17:06:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)

I’m not an expert but I’ve read there is a way for peers to talk directly to each other, not sure how it’s actually done.

From @noffle on Wed Jan 13 2016 01:18:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)

@chen-chan: yes, it’s possible to write services on top of some of IPFS’ core components. There’s even an example! Eventually this will be done with cleaner separation via libp2p.

From @fazo96 on Wed Jan 13 2016 21:05:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)

> How do I host an interactive content that receives input from users? A forum or an imageboard where users are able to POST forms containing comments?

You might want to take a look at IPFS Boards. It’s still very early, but it mostly works already :+1:

From @Mithgol on Thu Jan 14 2016 19:59:55 GMT+0000 (UTC)

IPFS Boards’ from the master branch currently says that it is outdated and the development happens on the ipfs0.4 branch.

IPFS Boards’ from the ipfs0.4 branch currently says that it uses IPFS’s POST protocol.

The repository of IPFS POST currently contains only the initial commit that was necessary to create it on GitHub.

So, something is obviously on its way to the Go implementation of IPFS v0.4, and that something would probably resemble HTTP POST, but currently it’s still underdocumented.

From @fazo96 on Thu Jan 14 2016 21:20:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)

> IPFS Boards’ from the ipfs0.4 branch currently says that it uses IPFS’s POST protocol.

Well, actually it says it solves some problems with the help of POST. :smile:

If you think it’s misleading, I’ll probably change it though.

Work on POST needs to start, my app already has quite a few problems POST will face solved though, so we can take some inspiration from that I hope :smile:

From @jbenet on Sun Jan 24 2016 13:51:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)

Indeed it does! i will have time in Feb for POST. we can do a kick off hangout first week of feb. ideally we can get to a very simple spec on top of IPLD. IPLD is already clear enough that we can do it.

take a look at this example for now:
based on a format like what’s in