From @Asgraf on Tue Sep 15 2015 20:59:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
Every good blog need to have comments section below its articles.
How to implement simple comment posting functionality?
Is it possible to allow users visiting my ipfs site to add comments below my articles (without using social widgets served via http)
Copied from original issue: Posting form data · Issue #41 · ipfs-inactive/faq · GitHub
From @jbenet on Tue Sep 15 2015 21:26:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
this is a special case of the question “can ipfs handle dynamic content”. yes:
From @balupton on Sat Feb 27 2016 14:07:59 GMT+0000 (UTC)
Everyone keeps referencing to this IPNS thing which is the size of a footnote in some white paper. There really needs to be a working example of what is said here, specifically demonstrating comments, before one can take it more than just an aside.
From @balupton on Sat Feb 27 2016 14:14:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
For a route for making that a reality, it seems IPFS should really be considered as just for hosting static content. Yes IPNS allows mutable links, but again, for static content.
For possible implementations of comments it seems IPFS cannot solve that without already knowing the hashes or IPNS locations of the contributed content which is impossible with IPFS/IPNS alone, unless one queries the entire network, which is crazy.
So things like ethereum or bigchaindb or some heroku web server seem the option here, where users can contribute an item too that is discoverable by the application.
From @balupton on Sat Feb 27 2016 14:16:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
Another way to say it, is IPFS will never be able to, or rather should never be able to, host an API. An external solution, be it a centralised, decentralised, distributed, or federated one, will be needed for APIs.
From @fazo96 on Sat Feb 27 2016 20:25:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
> There really needs to be a working example of what is said here, specifically demonstrating comments, before one can take it more than just an aside.
@balupton, it looks loke you’re looking for
From @balupton on Sun Feb 28 2016 05:01:56 GMT+0000 (UTC)
@fazo96 thanks!
Seems it is still rocky right now, with being the planned collaboration on something more stable to accomplish APIs using IPFS