Hello,i asked this on SO rarlier today, but no answer and i am kinda in a hurry.Well i imported dependecies in my gradle.app implementation 'com.github.ipfs:java-ipfs-http-client:v1.3.3'
and tried with
implementation group: 'com.github.ipfs', name: 'java-ipfs-http-client', version: 'v1.3.3'
but when try to import library in m code like this
import io.ipfs.api.IPFS;
import io.ipfs.api.MerkleNode;
import io.ipfs.api.NamedStreamable;
import io.ipfs.multiaddr.MultiAddress;
i got error Cannot resolve symbol "ipfs’ .Any help?Tip?Anything? I never used maven so that is why i prefer using gradle,but it should be the same thing…
EDIT: By mistake i asked this in HELP so i delete it and transfer it here