Debugging slow content discovery

What are the specs for Node A? I used to run a full IPFS node on a $200 laptop with a very weak CPU (but 8GB of RAM) without any issues. From looking at what the lowerpower profile changes, it comes with this warning

Reduces daemon overhead on the system. May affect node
functionality - performance of content discovery and data
fetching may be degraded.

Even outside of the lowpower profile, I’m pretty sure some of the go-ipfs devs are working on reducing resource consumption so that less powerful devices can run it without as many compromises.

Outside of network issues (e.g., link saturation, packet loss) or one of the machines being too busy to respond in a timely manner, I’m not sure what IPFS would be doing to slow it down. What do you get if you just do a regular ping of node A’s external IP?

I agree. This is an interesting idea, but ideally shouldn’t be needed.

Relays are already implemented and the functionality is enabled by default, but if this post is still accurate, then automatic relay node discovery isn’t implemented yet. There’s nothing stopping you from doing it manually, though.

Yes, see this post as an example. You’ll have to filter the debug output only to events you care about because there’s a lot of it.