After half a year of on-and-off work on ipfsearch, I’m excited to announce the launch of an alpha version.
ipfsearch is an indexer and webapp that lets you create and search through indices that are stored on IPFS. It does that by doing the sorting, stemming and searching in your browser, not on a centralized server. You can find more on the webapp:
IPNS, always new, link: /ipns/
IPFS link to alpha: /ipfs/QmbJbmpZsSFpaLHUFPCADR5DLWWsLgDtFL3cjDXpYbEo7i
If you do not currently have access to a IPFS node, you can use the public gateway.
All the sources are on Github.
I’d love some feedback on it.
P.S. It’s slow because IPNS is very very slow, so be patient, especially when loading the meta.