Error for:Public Gateway Is Not Supported Anymore

When I visit my picture address( )When I reported this error, how can I solve it

Hey Jacky,

Infura recently stopped operating their public IPFS Gateway

I would recommend using any of the other public IPFS gateways which you can find on Public Gateway Checker | IPFS

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But a timeout prompt appears when using other gateways(504 Gateway Time-out)

In that case, it could be due to a number of reasons.

Are you pinning the CID anywhere?

Check out the following blog post to learn how to debug these errors with timeouts through gateways A Practical Explainer for IPFS Gateways - Part 2 | IPFS Blog & News

If your data is hosted with Infura it could be worth asking them. FWIW I see that CID in the DHT but can’t seem to retrieve it either.

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