Failed to run libp2p-pnet example on github

I am trying to run this pnet-ipfs example on my win10 with node 12.14.1. What I did was:

  1. create a nodejs project with npm init
  2. copy the dependency from the example’s package.json
  3. `npm install’
  4. Copy and generate files: utils.js, libp2p-bundle.js, index.js in project directory
  5. In terminal, run `node index.js

Nothing happened after node index.js. What is the right way to run the example?

Here is the package.json created:

"dependencies": { "ipfs": "^0.40.0", "libp2p": "^0.26.2", "libp2p-mplex": "^0.8.5", "libp2p-pnet": "^0.1.0", "libp2p-secio": "^0.11.1", "libp2p-tcp": "^0.13.2" }

Are y using this index.js?

I just found the index.js is empty. Not sure how it happened.

There you go :slight_smile: