What are the expectations of track leads?
- Ensure their track schedule is coherent. Track specifics (e.g., times, title, speaker) should be accurate in ipfs-thing-2022/events at main · ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-thing-2022 · GitHub
- Ensure “notes” are being taken. This could mean doing it directly or delegating to someone else. The recommendation per About the IPFS Thing 2022 category is for their to be a new topic for each gathering “topic” so it’s easy to associate notes, slides, and other URLs.
What are the differences between notes and outputs?
- notes: in the moment documentation
- outputs: post-workshop writing that can survive without the context of the workshop itself. We want it so someone who didn’t attend a track can still learn “what were the big takeaways?”. We want to capture this information while its fresh.
How long after a talk will it take for videos to be posted?
Talks will be published to YouTube the next day. They’ll be in the TO_BE_DETERMINED playlist.
What is the COVID policy?
See COVID Policy for IPFS Thing 2022
What if I have other FAQs that aren’t answered here?
Please post a reply to the topic. We’ll get it answered inline and then moved up here.