Good idea. I assume it would go into the dht part of ipfs, i.e. ipfs dht countprovs <hash>. You could always determine it like ipfs dht findprovs <hash> | wc -l but that’s one additional command, so a single ipfs command is surely preferable.
I think that ipfs dht findprovs <hash> will return any nodes with the content whether or not it’s pinned. I don’t know if there’s a way to tell if someone has something pinned or if it’s just cached on their node and waiting to be garbage collected.
Unless the content is very small and fits in a single chunk, it would also be nice to have a way to tell how many people can provide all of the hashes from the entire DAG and not just the top-level hash.
To make this much faster than it would be otherwise, findprovs is limited to only searching for 2 providers with the -n 2 flag.
I’m not sure why this happens, but after running this for a while on a large file (like the one in the example) my daemon almost always seems to crash and then ipfs dht findprovs starts returning “Error: api not running”.
I tested just the ipfs refs portion of the script, and it seems to be the -r option. Without it it’s fine & fast, but with -r it sent my CPU to 150%, and I assume it can lead to an ipfs crash.
The ipfs refs -r <hash> definitely took a while the first time I called it. At least when I was testing, it was almost instantaneous during subsequent runs. I’m not sure if it matters but I was testing with v0.4.11-dev.
Sorry for reviving an old thread, but this is exactly what i was looking for too.
I could make a new thread and post the very same question… that seemed wasteful.
Anyhow, is this still the best way there is to find out who pinned your files?
It seems so… wonky…
How are those pinning services doing this? Surely they need to know with a good degree of certainty if a file is pinned or not?
I still don’t think it’s possible to tell the difference between a remote/untrusted peer who is pinning a file and a peer who just has the file cached (with vanilla IPFS). I think this is outside the scope of plain IPFS.
Doing what? I don’t see why a pinning service needs to know who else is pinning a file. They just need to know whether they are pinning something.
You can tell for sure if peers you control are pinning a file. For a pinning service they might just be looking at the aggregated output of ipfs pin ls from across their swarm.