Hosting my website on IPFS

@husamia Exposing server-side code (i.e. dynamic websites / web-apps) with IPNS is IPNS-Link’s primary goal. You won’t even need SSL. You may look into the project here and or read our blogposts. But since you mentioned free-of-cost hosting on company servers, and your desire for alternate hosting, I’m sure you understand that to run server-side code (PHP), you’d need servers and IPFS doesn’t provide you with that (as @wclayf mentioned). Once you can arrange for servers however, IPNS-Link can do the rest; you don’t need to worry about public IP, domain names, SSL management etc. Moreover, if you do own a domain name, you can conveniently make a DNSLink to the IPNS address that IPNS-Link provides you.

@wclayf IPNS over pubsub is rather fast. With a good swarm for both exposer and gateway, we find newly minted IPNS records within a minute usually. BTW, IPNS-Link uses IPNS records mainly for transmitting the multiaddresses of the origin-server and some instructions for the gateway. Because it uses inlining, getting the IPNS record is enough to get all that data - no further bitswap needed. The IPNS record is cached for 24 hrs so all requests after the first one are served quicker. The first one takes ~60s tops, in the worst case. The exposer keeps republishing IPNS records over pubsub and DHT every 15m, for better availability and also to reflect any change in multiaddress. So, most IPNS records are found very quickly. In case the IPNS-Link-gateway fails to retrieve it within 30s, it even asks because the latter has a bigger swarm.

@zacharywhitley Thanks for the mention.