Official, default block lists are dangerous, they make the maintainer a target of law enforcement requests and bring lots of political hassle with them over what belongs on such a list and what doesn’t.
Block lists should require explicit and separate user opt-in to reduce censorship incentives. Having them maintained by a 3rd party also helps to unburden developers from such politics.
Sadly, this seems likely true in at least some regions.
So how are blocklists to be
generated and maintained?
The big “official” organisations can publish lists of any data they care to declare “bad”.
If I assert copyright on my data, can I publish a blocklist for unauthorised derivatives I find?
for fetching some files, you could go to prison or even just disappear
if for copyright files (e.g..mp3) maybe it’s ok to have it if you paid; no re-sharing
some files you just prefer not to see at work, or show to children
provided as default, or discovered?
by users/servers in an administrative region; like CRDA
according to the carriers’ preference e.g. businesses, for their staff
by user preference, e.g. things many people find they want to un-see
From @jbenet on Fri Sep 09 2016 22:17:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
Great questions. we can get all of these answered over time. But the first thing to say is that we care about doing this very right, and are thoughtful in our approach.
In short, for now, we’ll translate DMCA requests and the like into a blocklist, and publish it somewhere. (we haven’t had to do this yet). clients can follow it in their configs. (will have some easy way to configure and turn on/off).
We will likely provide our own as default for now. In the long term it would be our hope that an independent bodies like EFF and Berkman Center would get involved in making sure these lists are correct. (I personally would like to reduce the “false positives” problem in DMCA, but it’s not easy to do this at scale given the huge volumes (youtube receives tons of these)). Regardless all blocklists would be accessible through ipfs itself to audit, and should carry a reason (usually the original legal request from whatever entity). This can be audited independently.
From @mcast on Tue Sep 13 2016 21:33:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
TL;DR I’m optimistic about the technical side, but not so much the social.
[…] the first thing to say is that we care about doing this very right, and are thoughtful in our approach.
They’re composable - the fact that the union of a list of blocklists is a blocklist could be useful. To take best advantage of this, maybe the UI needs some mechanisms for feedback to & pushback from the user?
If the spec will need iterating, it makes sense to push censorship out into a daemon or subprocess. Like Squid can do.
Maybe a tool to check your pinned list for new blocked data, and give some warning?
In the long term it would be our hope that an independent bodies like EFF and Berkman Center would get involved in making sure these lists are correct. […]
So getting the blocklists “right” or “right enough” implies impartial curation? This sounds expensive, and yet the copyright holders probably won’t want to fund a charity to do it, and neither are most of the readers.
I read on GitHub and here in the forum that IPFS uses blacklists to protect its users from prosecution (copyright, prohibited pornography). It was also mentioned that they are opt-in by default and you can opt-out if needed. My two questions about this now are:
We’re also interested in this as well. Within our app a node can keep requesting a banned content from nodes, and these nodes would respond by fetching it from the network again. That needs to be stopped