How are the js-ipfs-bitswap benchmarks intended to be run?

I have discovered this question on SO: Issues running the js Ipfs bitswap benchmarks

I’m going in blind here, so I’m not sure what js-ipfs-bitswap expects to be running, but this is what I did:

systemctl --user stop ipfs
rm -rf ~/.ipfs
ipfs init
systemctl --user start ipfs

git clone
cd js-ipfs-bitswap
npm install ipfs-bitswap
npm run benchmarks

I get the exact same error as the user in that question:

> ipfs-bitswap@5.0.1 benchmarks
> node test/benchmarks/get-many

10 nodes, 10 blocks, 5 iterations
      throw errCode(new Error('The dial request has no addresses'), codes.ERR_NO_VALID_ADDRESSES)

Error: The dial request has no addresses
    at Dialer.connectToPeer (/home/user/Documents/js-ipfs-bitswap/node_modules/libp2p/src/dialer/index.js:113:21)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:94:5)
    at async Node.dialProtocol (/home/user/Documents/js-ipfs-bitswap/node_modules/libp2p/src/index.js:454:20)
    at async module.exports (/home/user/Documents/js-ipfs-bitswap/test/utils/connect-all.js:13:7)
    at async module.exports (/home/user/Documents/js-ipfs-bitswap/test/utils/distribution-test.js:25:3)
    at async /home/user/Documents/js-ipfs-bitswap/test/benchmarks/get-many.js:14:3 {

Could I get an assist on how to set this up correctly please? :slight_smile: