when i try to get data using fetch(‘https://ipfs.io/ipfs/’ + urlHash) then successfully able to get data …
but when try to get using
fetch(‘ipfs://’ + urlHash)
then it shows net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
You have to have a gateway in your address. ipfs.io/ipfs is a public gateway. If you’re using a local node (on your computer) you still have to include the local node’s gateway address in your URL.
@ki4jgt Thanks for your response.
But when using ipfs.io/ipfs it is not fully decentralized. In brave and opera browser showing data without any gateway , like ipfs://hash in this format… isn’t is possible for fetch data
I think Opera uses the ipfs.io gateway in the background.
Brave can run a local node. In the end, ipfs://<cid>
is more or less translated to<cid>
, which is the local ipfs daemon gateway.
The IPFS Companion browser extension intercepts ipfs://
and does the magic for you, but not sure it works from JS for fetch.
Brave will resolve ipfs://CID
using whichever gateway is configured in the settings. There is no requirement to start the built-in IPFS node. The default gateway is dweb.link, but any public gateway can be used. However, it’s probably a better idea to start the local built-in node in order to lower the bandwidth used by the public gateways.
Screenshot of configurable settings…
@ipfsme this is very surprising to me.
Looking at the documentation it looks like the gateway is not supposed to be used for production apps: IPFS Gateway | IPFS Docs
Do they have some special deal with protocol labs to help spread adoption?