ipfs get doesn’t work, I can’t list the contents of the folder either, anything I attempt to do with the hash of the folder just stalls, unless I use the webui, in which case it’ll show me the contents of the folder.
Also how is it that this project’s been in development for 3 years and there’s barely any instructions and the only tutorial is a short one on how to upload files?
I was able to download the entire directory locally using ipfs get QmVbCbGE39kSpgwX33j3s5XiidgFaY8SdE23VBqtbf8rgc without any issues.
Are you getting any errors from the daemon when you try to run the command?
How many peers are you connected to? You can see which peers you’re connected to using ipfs swarm peers. If you’re on linux, you can use ipfs swarm peers | wc -l to count the number of peers you’re connected to.