This message is continuing the story of my ipfs experience…
2 years struggling with IPFS… And how I succeed using it with ScuttleButt!
Today, IPFS default bootstrap every user in a so huge p2p structure that communication and synchronization is missing (we are reaching one of the barrier exposed in CAP Theorem). So are appearing “ipfs cluster farms” offering the pining service. Then ipfs file sharing experience is working…
The other way is to use ipfs as a from home virtual datacenter. In this situation, each station maintains its bootstrap and swarm relations established from a “web of trust” (WOT) network.
Astroport/KODI is the actual prototype of ipfs stations maintained in such a WOT relative swarm.
From desktop link, one can add movies, series and animes (but youtube, mp3 + #mazash sound signature recognition, static web site backup, nextcloud integration can be done if BIG machines are running in the WOT swarm…). Those ipfs links are shared (ipns self) to any “one star” station (appearing as new steaming source in KODI Vstream plugin).
Each added file is attached to an IPNS Mediakey containing metadata and any useful counter for view or wallet usage… Each station also creates five ipns keys (stargates), securely sent as data sharing channels following confidence levels expressed in WOT. Recently some test about live video streaming succeed.
Each station can activate fail2ban protection in order to enforce ipfs leaks security (station code signature verification can be activated too)…
The actual beta TestNet code astrXbian is launched from France. It creates a virtual movies center between “astroport installed stations” with their identities registered in
As a conclusion, WOT is way to bypass CAP theorem and maintain IPFS storage in our hands.
Welcoming you in the project as a beta tester, translator, contributor (bash, python, …).