How to optimize IPFS node performance for large data storage?

Hey everyone, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m diving headfirst into the world of IPFS, setting up a node to store and share a truly massive dataset – we’re talking several terabytes! Since this is a data beast, I’m hoping to tap into the collective wisdom here and optimize my node for peak performance. Here’s what I’m particularly curious about:

  • Taming the Hardware: What kind of hardware setup (processor, memory, storage type) is best suited for handling such a large amount of data on IPFS?
  • Tweaking the System: Are there any specific settings or configurations within IPFS that I should adjust to make things run smoother for a giant dataset?
  • Network Ninja Tricks: Any tips on optimizing my network settings to ensure efficient data transfer and keep lag at bay?
  • Lessons from the Masters: Are there any general best practices or common pitfalls I should be aware of when dealing with large-scale data storage on IPFS?

I also check this : But I have not found any solution.

And please share any tips or war stories you can share would be a huge help! :heart_eyes:

Thanks a ton in advance! :innocent:

Discussed this a little with @lidel who has lots of experience with a cluster of about this size. He mentioned a couple things:

  • SSD (rather than a cache in front of spinning disks) is highly recommended in this size range, as is an ipfs-cluster + kubo setup (since the latter could be swapped out later if needed)
  • read patterns are crucial-- random access across a bajillion CIDs are really where the performance starts to suffer, you might be fine with “only” that much data if blocks are big and reads are generally within ranges/
  • garbage collection isn’t default in kubo, so turn that on from day 1 if you are expecting a significant percentage of data to get unpinned over time (and fine-tune your TTL as set by --expires-in CLI flag, for example)
  • enumerating pinned CIDs (to periodically announce to the public DHT) can be an expensive and performance-hampering behavior - if you don’t have to factor that in, you may have a much smaller performance surface to address. there are mitigation strategies if you DO have to advertise what you pin to others rather than run your own gateway.

I’m pretty sure this message is chatGPT-generated, or alike. It links a discussion that has absolutely no relation to the question, and I have already deleted a fully incorrect post from this user on another topic.

@benjonson, while there are reasons to use a text generator sometimes (i.e. language difficulties), I am not convinced you have a legitimate interest if you post like this, with false information or unrelated references.