.ipfs/blocks enlarged to 2TB despite MaxStorage setting, discovering cid to ds key conversion

MaxStorage does not set any limit, it only informs the point at which GC should run when auto-gc is enabled. when enable, it will delete everything non-pinned.

Try ipfs cid format -b base32upper -f '%M' QmPFLZYMsVVCgdKwrLC1FxKRQcZHb6A3kNrzMuivJTWDfF, which does base32upper encoding on the multihash bytes of a CID.

However Iā€™m not sure what is the point of interacting with low-level flatfs datastore. You can check if a block is present with ipfs --offline block stat <cid> too.

Because /11635.json is a named link in the original CID, you would need to decode the protobuf data referenced by the original CID, find out the CID of /11635.json and test that. Or you can ipfs --offline block stat <cid>/whatever.json which does it too.