Ipfs command , Difference between ipfs pin add and ipfs get

Difference between ipfs pin add and ipfs get

hi zhjgit

ipfs pin add pin a hash into your DHT

ipfs get add into your DHT and get content of this hash


  • ipfs pin add fetches the file, adds it to your local IPFS file repository “repo”, and then “pins” it (keeps it from being deleted if you run low on space).

  • ipfs get fetches the file, adds it to your local IPFS repo, does not pin it, and then saves it to your local filesystem.

Basically, ipfs pin add is like ipfs get followed by an ipfs add.

ipfs pin add pin a hash into your DHT

So, both commands will announce that you have the file to the DHT. However, it won’t add the content to the DHT.

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