I successfully transferred my first directory via IPFS last night!
It was quite hard work in comparison to the demo video. I had to open ports on my router, manually tell node 1 to provide the block, manually tell node 2 to connect to node 1. The connection kept dropping so I had to manually re-establish it to get the different files in the folders and all my attempts to see my files via the gateway at https://ipfs.io
timed out but I at least managed a transfer between two of my own machines and I can definitely see the potential here.
I can see GitHub issues open that look like they might account for most of the difficulties I encountered but there’s one thing I wanted to ask to improve my understanding. When I ran ipfs dht findprovs <hash>
on node 1 for the directory added on node 1, it returned the id for node 1. So far so good. When I ran the same command on node 2 after getting the resource on that node, it did not find itself. My assumption was that, once a node has a block, it will then become a provider of that block automatically. Since that is empirically not the case, my question is under what circumstances do nodes become providers of blocks?