The CID QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn seems to me to be the signature of an empty file.
Are you sure of the content of req.files ? Is it [‘uploads\docs\5ea035c47d671a44c88ebd49\file-2020041799324.pdf’, ‘uploads\docs\5ea035c47d671a44c88ebd49\file-2020041799824.pdf’, …] ?
If the array is a list of “{path:‘path’}” without the content field it may explain.
Yes, it’s an array with file path. So I will need to add the file content to the array.
Do I need to buffer the file to get the content. Also, can I leave out the path and just send the content in the array to ipfs.