`ipfs pin add` often hangs with a wantlist of ~7 CIDs

I was able to reproduce this during this afternoon’s deployment. Please see this (unlisted) pastebin document: https://pastebin.com/eMSFXhR0

(My previous post also has a pastebin link, but may have been missed since it was rendered in a way that is easy to dismiss as an advert)

My random sampling suggests that the stuck nodes are indeed connected to other nodes which have all the data they want.

I reran the script that generated the above but this time appended an ipfs pin add command, and that unstuck the nodes: https://pastebin.com/zV7N0Ngx

Oh, and I should explain the lipfs in my script - it’s a simple wrapper script to make it easy to work with a docker-based IPFS node. The L is for “local” as in private:


# Launch IPFS if necessary
if [[ $(docker container inspect ipfs --format '{{.State.Running}}' 2>&- ) != "true" ]]; then
  # Not running - has it ever?

  if [[ $(docker container inspect ipfs --format '{{.State.Status}}' 2>&- ) != "" ]]; then
    echo "IPFS container is no longer running. Check 'docker logs ipfs' to diagnose or delete with 'docker rm ipfs' and try again." >&2
    exit 1

  sudo mkdir -p /external-ssd/ipfs
  sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) /external-ssd/ipfs

  # Note: Assumes `ipfs:latest` is present locally (because it's part of dbfOS)

  echo "Launching IPFS ..." >&2
  docker run \
    --detach \
    --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    --name ipfs \
    --network host \
    --volume /etc/ipfs/swarm.key:/swarm.key:ro \
    --volume /:/host \
    --volume /external-ssd/ipfs/:/data/ipfs/ \
    ipfs >/dev/null

  echo "Waiting for IPFS to become ready ..." >&2

  until curl --silent &>/dev/null; do
    if [[ "$(docker container inspect --format '{{.State.Running}}' ipfs)" != "true" ]]; then
      echo "IPFS does not appear to have become ready! Try 'docker logs ipfs' to diagnose," >&2
      exit 1

  echo "IPFS service started" >&2

exec docker exec -it -w "/host/$PWD" ipfs ipfs "${@}"

The entrypoint of this custom docker container is as follows, it just checks for the private swarm key and sets the bootstrap nodes:

# Configure an existing IPFS repo

if [[ ! -r /swarm.key ]]; then
  echo "ERROR: /swarm.key not present or not readable! Did you remember to mount it from /etc/ipfs/swarm.key?" >&2
  exit 1

cp -v /swarm.key /data/ipfs/swarm.key

export GOMAXPROCS=$(nproc)

ipfs init
ipfs config profile apply local-discovery
ipfs bootstrap rm all  # Do not use any public nodes in this swarm
ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/ # nc-b9-8-2.iaas.eu02.arm.com, a bare metal host
ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/ # aarch64.noir.arm.com, a bare metal host
ipfs config Routing.Type dht  # Only use this swarm for finding peers and data, not public services
ipfs config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/  # Avoid default :8080, that's used by other services on dbfOS
ipfs config --json Gateway.PublicGateways '{"localhost":{"Paths":["/ipfs", "/ipns"], "UseSubdomains":false}}'  # Prevent the gateway service (:7070) from redirecting users to bafyhashstuff.localhost:7070/
ipfs config Datastore.StorageMax 100GB
# Defaults for `ipfs add`
ipfs config Import.HashFunction blake3    # Faster than SHA256 on RPi4B
ipfs config Import.UnixFSChunker buzhash  # Split on certain hash values, similar in function and intent to `gzip --rsyncable`

ipfs daemon --enable-gc

The custom image’s Dockerfile is also very simple, and most importantly sets LIBP2P_FORCE_PNET in the environment, to ensure our private/local swarm does not connect to the public internet:

# Note: ipfs/kubo:release doesn't seem to work on Raspbian (32-bit), it always has this error on launch:
#   /sbin/tini: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# So we will make our own
FROM alpine:3.20 AS downloader


# Build arg to get OS + architecture for multi-arch building (defined by buildx)

ADD https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases/download/${VERSION}/kubo_${VERSION}_${TARGETOS}-${TARGETARCH}.tar.gz /tmp/ipfs.tar.gz
RUN cd /tmp && tar xvf ipfs.tar.gz

FROM alpine:3.20

COPY --from=downloader /tmp/kubo/ipfs /usr/local/bin/ipfs

# Limit traffic to private swarms; those for which a shared secret
# (`swarm.key`) is defined. If the shared secret is not available `ipfs daemon`
# will fail to launch with the following error:
# Error: constructing the node (see log for full detail): privnet: private network was not configured but is enforced by the environment

# Set our data directory
ENV IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
VOLUME /data/ipfs

# Install our configuration script, which is run every time the container
# starts (after `ipfs init` but before the user-specified command, such as
# `dameon`)
COPY entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
RUN chmod 0755 /entrypoint.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]