Issue ipfs daemon on windows 10

I need help running ipfs daemon

I have downloaded go-ipfs for Windows Version v0.4.18 for windows 64bit.
Placed in a directory
Executed ipfs init

But I can not run ipfs daemon

This is the error:

Initializing daemon…
go-ipfs version: 0.4.18-
Repo version: 7
System version: amd64/windows
Golang version: go1.11.1
18:48:26.439 ERROR cmd/ipfs: error from node construction: failed to listen on any addresses: [listen tcp4 bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. listen tcp6 [::]:4001: bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.] daemon.go:332
Error: failed to listen on any addresses: [listen tcp4 bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. listen tcp6 [::]:4001: bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.]

  1. For the moment I can not continue testing this, Windows Defender now detects ipfs as Trojan Virus, but I can not really be sure if this is the case, so I temporarily stop checking this software

go-ipfs Version v0.4.18 for windows 64bits

You have some process already listening on port 4001. You can change what port ipfs listens on with this comand: ipfs config Addresses.Swarm '["/ip4/", "/ip6/::/tcp/4002"]' --json


You are right , Now works perfectly.
Thanks a lot.

Solved, with reboot and reinstall.
I think the Trojan was caused by another software.