One issue during install ipfs on linux

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hello tim,

could you specify your distribution en that version please ?

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hi,my os is centos 7.2 and ipfs version is 0.4.9,
I deleted the ipfs in /usr/local/bin and .ipfs file in /root.
then I tried to sh install, it failed


Do you have some logs when you try to install.


These are the default place the script tries to move the binary but for you they don’t exists.
In fact IPFS doesn’t care at all where you move it, so just move anywhere into your $PATH (mine in in ~/go/bin for a rootless experience). :slight_smile:

PS: ~/go/bin isn’t linux standard and require tiny bashrc setup to be used, but it’s very used in the golang community.

PS2: Don’t forget to ch{own,grp} root your binary if you move it into a public path (used by multiple users).