Persistent Gateway time-out

First time here. Have been uploading files to IPFS for linking for a few days. This post is to report an issue. Please let me know if there is another more appropriate category or or place for this.
Just wanted to report a persistent gateway timeout over several hours, processing 127mb file using “Share Files Over IPFS” using JS 0.35 thru gateway in latest Brave exiting VPN Iceland for QmbXT3WkAFq5aqBFhUhXxb6gGnveZ72WPD6wpqNpfZweNX…
Reluctantly, after many hours, during normally low usage hours just a short bit ago, tried starting over and see the system recognizes the file is in process and reverts to same identity above. Haven’t yet tried renaming the file and starting over preferring not to waste storage space.
After a few more hours, will try again with file renamed.
Have had several gateway timeouts, with other files, but not lasting more than a couple of hours.

After almost 15-hours it just finished processing.
The next upload only took minutes.