Questions about using ipfs

Hello everyone, I have a few questions to ask for help.

  1. I need to migrate an IPFS server now. What do I need to copy? Is the copy ~/.ipfs directory?
  2. If my local node hard drive is damaged, can I get my previous data from the public gateway to restore it? The document says that if a file is not accessed for a long time, there may be no node cache for this file. Does that mean it is lost?
  3. IPFS seems to be similar to the structure of nginx+s3 currently widely used?
  4. Is ipfs only suitable for dapps?
  5. If the gateway obtains data from a nearby node, does it take data from multiple nearby nodes at the same time?
  6. I used IPNS to create a unique path, and the nearby nodes have been cached, After a few days I will update the data under IPNS, when will the node update its cache?

Yes. See this thread for more details:

If your hard drive is damaged and no other nodes can provide it (from having it cached or pinned), then that data is probably lost; though the loss might be temporary if there’s a node that can provide the content that is periodically online or someone adds the content to IPFS again.

Thank you for your answer, As a technical engineer, I still have some questions, We currently use nginx to deploy nodes in multiple cities in Asia to cache static images and video files, In terms of backend storage, we use s3 to store data, We currently use Is following ipfs, IPFS seems to be similar to the structure of nginx+s3 currently widely used? Ipfs is also used to cache files, and nginx is crawled from the source site. Is ipfs only suitable for dapps?

If you’re referring to using nginx as a caching proxy for s3, I would say they’re probably similar in the sense that the caching/gateway IPFS nodes for your content can be geographically distributed to cache content close to the users requesting them. However, IPFS isn’t limited to just this use case.

No; IPFS is not only suitable for Dapps. There’s nothing stopping you from using IPFS gateways to serve content from IPFS over http; but serving content doesn’t leverage several of IPFS’ strengths.

If the gateway obtains data from a nearby node, does it take data from multiple nearby nodes at the same time? I am worried that the uplink and downlink bandwidth of a node is not stable enough.

If it already has the content cached, then it doesn’t need to fetch anything. If it doesn’t have the content then it could ask multiple nodes for it if multiple nodes can provide it.

Thank you for your answer, I used IPNS to create a unique path, and the nearby nodes have been cached, After a few days I will update the data under IPNS, when will the node update its cache?

The cache will be updated when the /ipfs/ path that the IPNS address points to has been requested through the node. Nodes that have resolved an IPNS address don’t automatically check for updates on their own; a script that automatically polls the IPNS address for updates would probably be the most reliable way to make sure that the cache is up to date.

Otherwise, the cache will be updated when someone next requests the latest content through the node’s gateway or through the node directly.

I want to implement mechanisms Decentralized on Internet (tcp/ip),
But I have a question?
Can I do it with better instructure on internet?
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Are governments able to filter and restrict Internet users? (becuase for routing need to ip address in routers).