Sorry for noob question - propagation related

I have my ipfs server running 24/7 and I have one file which is pinned.

Periodically ipfs crashes, and when it does, my file is not available to the world.

I have 256 peers. I am hosting 18.8mb of files. Of that, my file is 350K.

Best way to get my file to propagate?

I’m using ipfs for its immutability and the persistence.

My file url:

Thank you,


Like any P2P system, only when users downloaded your file and then they can help you host file. Your file can not propagate automatically.
By the way, I don’t think publishing your contract is a good idea.

You can also use a pinning service like Piñata Where you pay someone to pin and replicate your content. They offer to pin 1G for free if you open an account. In the future you’ll also be able to use filecoin which is kind of a distributed pinning service.


Have you set it up in a way that it restarts automatically after a crash?

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You are going to want to deal with the crashing, as that will help considerably with ensuring availability.

If you are starting the IPFS daemon with systems, edit the .service file and ensure it includes the following:


To get other mirrors, you can do as had already been suggested and use spinning service. You could also setup an one or more additional IPFS nodes for redundancy. You can also ask people you know to mirror it. I’ve already cached it on my own node, so that should help a bit until it gets pushed out of the cache.

An unrelated question: what is the “rth genesis parcel” the linked file is referring to?

Thank you for information, and for caching on your node!!! : )

“An unrelated question: what is the “rth genesis parcel” the linked file is referring to?”
— read the project thesis here:

@ FledgeXu
“I don’t think publishing your contract is a good idea.”
— May I ask why please?

@ zacharywhitley
“You can also use a pinning service like Piñata”
— thanks!!

@ hector
Have you set it up in a way that it restarts automatically after a crash?
— not yet, but I will.

Because everyone can download your contract and it will hurt you privacy.

“Because everyone can download your contract and it will hurt you privacy.”
— Ahh, I understand. Thank you. However, this is for a project where transparency is important. It is ok and preferred for everyone/anyone to see this.

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