I was poking around trying to get to know UnitFS and the docs at https://docs.ipfs.io/concepts/file-systems/#unix-file-system-unixfs seem to indicate that mtime and mode are a part of the Data pb but looking at the code in go-unixfs 0.7.0 those fields don’t appear to be there. Any idea what the status of that is? Did it get dropped? Was going to be added and then wasn’t? Will get added in the future? Was it perhaps superseded by UnixFSv2?
Looking at the specs it should be there https://github.com/ipfs/specs/blob/master/UNIXFS.md
PS: ok I’m slowly putting the picture together but leaving it here in case anyone can add any additional information. It looks like those fields were added in UnixFS 1.5 which hasn’t been implemented yet. https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/6920