I’m testing and trying out IPFS/IPNS and wanted to find out a use case for needing/using different keys for IPNS.
December 9, 2017, 6:59pm
You may want to be able to publish to the same IPNS address from different machines, each having its own IPFS node:
Duplicate of node identity is probably a bad idea, but if you reframe the question into “can I publish to the same IPNS key from multiple boxes?”, then it makes more sense. If you use dedicated key for that.
(Someone may want to publish a static blog from home, and then from work laptop)
I created PoC of publishing to the same PeerId from two different boxes some time ago:
Ok, so that helps explain a few things. The next question is “How” publish to the same IPNS key from multiple boxes? Do you copy one key to the other machine or how does that work?
December 9, 2017, 10:05pm
Yes, exactly that: you copy key to nodes that should have publishing rights.
I tested it over HTTP API some time ago:
Wow, I tested it via HTTP APIs you linked and it seems to… work just fine.
Not sure why you had different IPNS hash, but I got the feeling you were regenerating key instead of generating it only once and copying it to all nodes that should be able to publish with it.
I wrote a short instruction, check if you were following the same steps:
Publishing with the same key from two different nodes
I generated a new key under alias “test”:
nodeA $ curl 'http://localhost:5001/api/v0/key/ge…