I have problem with the Circuit Relay on IPFS 0.18
I’m trying to make 2 undialable node speak to one another by using a dialable node that will act as a Relay. All these 3 nodes have a private swarm key, they are on our private IPFS network.
From what I saw, my relay seems to have trouble using the hop protocol to connect to the relay.
This is the output of the ipfs id
of the relay node.
"ID": "12D3KooWHTXfbZWVVJZBe4efvL2atLooRhC35f9u8J4hAqgggvYn",
"PublicKey": "CAESIHGHCYeBA4dxwPxJePs0OyocuS7eMJhVjbrGtKQzWeEP",
"Addresses": [
"AgentVersion": "kubo/0.18.0/6750377",
"ProtocolVersion": "ipfs/0.1.0",
"Protocols": [
This is the config of the relay node : (I tried bootstraping and peering to myself bc I saw someone do this and claiming it help, but it doesn’t do anything for me)
"Addresses": {
"API": "/ip4/",
"Gateway": "/ip4/",
"Swarm": [
"Announce": [],
"AppendAnnounce": [
"NoAnnounce": []
"API": {
"HTTPHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": [
"AutoNAT": {
"ServiceMode": "enabled",
"Throttle": {
"GlobalLimit": 30,
"PeerLimit": 3
"Bootstrap": [
"Datastore": {
"StorageMax": "",
"StorageGCWatermark": 0,
"GCPeriod": "",
"HashOnRead": false,
"BloomFilterSize": 0,
"Spec": {
"mounts": [
"child": {
"path": "blocks",
"shardFunc": "/repo/flatfs/shard/v1/next-to-last/2",
"sync": true,
"type": "flatfs"
"mountpoint": "/blocks",
"prefix": "flatfs.datastore",
"type": "measure"
"child": {
"compression": "none",
"path": "datastore",
"type": "levelds"
"mountpoint": "/",
"prefix": "leveldb.datastore",
"type": "measure"
"type": "mount"
"Discovery": {
"MDNS": {
"Enabled": false
"Gateway": {
"NoFetch": false,
"NoDNSLink": false,
"HTTPHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": [
"RootRedirect": "",
"Writable": false
"Identity": {
"PeerID": "%%SWARM_ID%%",
"PrivKey": "%%PRIVATE_KEY%%"
"Ipns": {
"RepublishPeriod": "",
"RecordLifetime": "",
"ResolveCacheSize": 128,
"UsePubsub": false
"Migration": {
"DownloadSources": ["HTTPS", "IPFS"],
"Keep": "cache"
"Mounts": {
"IPFS": "/ipfs",
"IPNS": "/ipns",
"FuseAllowOther": false
"PubSub": {
"Enabled": true,
"Router": "floodsub",
"DisableSigning": false
"Peering": {
"Peers": [
"ID": "12D3KooWHTXfbZWVVJZBe4efvL2atLooRhC35f9u8J4hAqgggvYn",
"Addrs": [
"Reprovider": {
"Interval": "12h",
"Strategy": "all"
"Routing": {
"Type": "dht"
"Swarm": {
"AddrFilters": null,
"DisableBandwidthMetrics": true,
"DisableNatPortMap": false,
"EnableHolePunching": true,
"RelayClient": {
"Enabled": true,
"StaticRelays": [
"RelayService": {
"Enabled": true,
"ConnectionDurationLimit": "2m",
"ConnectionDataLimit": 131072,
"ReservationTTL": "1h",
"MaxReservations": 128,
"MaxCircuits": 16,
"BufferSize": 2048,
"MaxReservationsPerPeer": 4,
"MaxReservationsPerIP": 8,
"MaxReservationsPerASN": 32
"ConnMgr": {
"Type": "basic",
"GracePeriod": "20s",
"HighWater": 900,
"LowWater": 600
The config of the non-dialable node are basically the same with different key, and with :
"RelayClient": {
"Enabled": true,
"StaticRelays": [
In order to try to see if the problem was during the discovery of other peers during Kademlia protocol.
My 2 un-dialable nodes :
- can’t communicate together
- can’t ping one another
- when I add a file in IPFS in node A, node B can’t cat it unless the relay server cat it first
So it seems that the relay circuit have a problem when using the hop protocol. Do you have an idea of what could be happening ? Is it something else ?