What is IPFS Thing?

Maybe we should start with, “Who are you? What is this?” You just spammed the shit out of the community forum with absolutely no introduction. This looks like it could be interesting but I’m scratching my head wondering what all this is about.


Ah sorry @zacharywhitley — a very good point. This is to support the IPFS Thing event in Iceland this coming week. https://ipfs-thing.events — there will be some remote participation which needs to get listed too.

@BigLep maybe we should make the #communities:ipfs-thing-2022 category permissioned so only IPFS Thing group members see it?

We should probably make it so anyone can join or add the group (so we do need to add everyone that’s attending, and we welcome anyone that does want to watch), but yeah it means that it can be a lot of content added for everyone.

I’ll take a quick look to see if we can do this before my plane takes off.

Thanks again @zacharywhitley — we’ve been moving quickly and need to cool it on the “breaking things” part of that sentence.

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Just curious what it was all about and the UCAS thing looks interesting. Maybe I missed the announcement but this is the first time I’ve heard of this conference. Any chance it will be made available online?

Some of the sessions will be able to be Zoom joined and/or recorded and videos published, and definitely all the notes and follow ups will be available. I’ll add that to agenda

This is sort of a reboot of IPFS Camp — lots of people building and maintaining core protocols and open source code in the wider IPFS ecosystem.