Working Groups & Communities
Public Utilities WG This category contains discussions and status updates related to Public IPFS Utilities DApps WG ​​This Working Group is for those invested in making the experience of IPFS DApps better, whether via improving IPFS implementations or building other tooling. It’s a forcing function to engage on this critical topic for dapp stakeholders and to problem solve together with action. Events WG Ignite WG ​Fireside Chat Style Discussion on progress made on tools built, used and UX ergonomics. Network Measurements (ProbeLab) Description coming soon… Implementers WG This meeting is for those investing in creating and maintaining IPFS implementations. It’s a forcing function to ensure IPFS specs and IPIPs are being reviewed and engaged with by crucial stakeholders of IPFS. Communications WG The mission of the IPFS Communications Working Group is to collaborate on and oversee IPFS communication channels (email, social media, blog, website, forums, chat) and the content which is disseminated through them. The Working Group’s efforts and output are meant to play a part in fostering a healthy and growing ecosystem that supports the protocol’s overall success. Helia WG Learn more about IPFS Working Groups here! Decentralized Data Compliance WG Learn more about IPFS Working Groups here!