Deploying IPFS to - problem setting the public IP with Addresses.Annouce

I just deployed a Kubo node to using the official Docker image, and now I’ve run into a problem with the node not advertising its public IP.

When I ssh into the deployed container and run ipfs id, I get:

	"ID": "12D3KooWPyYm32rgQwU5vtip42ASH6tkSSLfPo1gnYMkkZyjxaru",
	"PublicKey": "CAESINJd0d4A1uiarVU0g+r+qYhv1i7Y2m9zrQ/AnD3NIm2q",
	"Addresses": [
	"AgentVersion": "kubo/0.15.0/3ae52a4/docker",
	"ProtocolVersion": "ipfs/0.1.0",
	"Protocols": [

Since the container isn’t aware of the public IP, it isn’t showing up.

I tried to add it manually with the following configuration:
ipfs config Addresses.Announce --json '["/ip4/"]' However, even after setting this, kubo doesn’t seem to be aware of this public IP.

I tried looking up the peer records from another IPFS node and got the following:

ipfs dht findpeer 12D3KooWPyYm32rgQwU5vtip42ASH6tkSSLfPo1gnYMkkZyjxaru

This indicates that the public IP (non circuit relay addresses) isn’t advertised.

To make sure that it’s actually possible to connect to the node, I ran:

ipfs swarm connect /ip4/

Which worked successfully.

How can I make sure that the node advertises the hard-coded public IP set in Addresses.Announce? I also tried Addresses.AppendAnnounce which didn’t work

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Quick update:

It seems that eventually the address was announced. In the end, I used the AppendAnnounce config:

ipfs config --json Addresses.AppendAnnounce '["/ip4/"]'
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